BornTooBlog Readers

October 4, 2011

Are Women The Only Ones With The Emotions?

I received a lot of feedback from my post last week regarding relationships Is The Chase Dead In Modern day Relationships.  Thinking about the current dating market, in Los Angeles at least, I decided the topic of relationships might need to be explored a little more.  As I was thinking about what to write, the word "emotions" came to mind and specifically, who has them, who exercises them and who hates them?  Off the top of my head I can recall countless times men have told me that women are too emotional.  That they use their hearts instead of the heads and that women operate off of emotion, whereas men operate off of logic. *side eye*

When you think about the experience or expression of "emotions" its kind of hard to think that only women have emotions in romantic relationships.  I mean, we're all human, all have pretty much the same make up as human beings, and we all seem to strive for common goals: happiness, pleasure, success, self-assurance, etc.  So how could only one sex experience and utilize their emotions?  Forgive me for my ignorance, but aren't all humans, for the most part, capable of feeling and expressing emotions?  So why when it comes to love, which is one of the most emotional activities in life that one can engage in, are women the only ones using them, or even acknowledging that they exist?

Perhaps this is a little to psychological for you all, but the debate over nature vs. nurture is a never-ending one.  However, I bring up the concept of nature vs. nurture because perhaps men (or young boys) start off using their emotions ie. crying, displaying sadness or disappointment, but are quickly told by their parents to "suck it up", "boys don't cry" or to "wipe their tears and man up".  Maybe this is why men are so adverse to using expressing their emotions when it comes to matters of the heart.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that women are the only ones who experience and feel the need to express emotions, but in my dealings with men, it almost feels like I'm trying to pull teeth to get a man to express his emotions as freely as I do.  I know, I know, I've had much more practice, but why is it such a big deal to express emotions that one has to keep them bottled up inside?  And we wonder why some men have issues with aggression.  Is it not manly to show that your feelings are hurt, someone disappointed you, or perhaps, that you (men) actually care about more than busting a nut?

It seems that men only express emotions when they are forced to and their backs are against the wall.  Why do relationships have to come to extremes in order for a man to express he is "feeling" something.  Now don't get me wrong.  Women are definitely emotional creatures, at some times, to our detriment and we all must learn to balance it.  So I guess its safe to say that both parties have some work to do when it comes to this topic if we are ever going to meet in the middle and achieve balance in our relationships. 

Sidebar: Someone recently expressed to me that my relationship posts are a bit one-sided and I have taken note of this and promise to have some female bashing posts for you men, lol, but first things first...

I would love to hear from the fellas on this!!!!

Do you think that men experience emotions and often do not express them?
Do you find yourself holding your tongue or not expressing your true emotions for fear of not being "manly"?
Do men really react strictly from logic as they say or are they just not experienced in exercising their emotions?

I would love your feedback.....WEIGH IN!

1 comment:

  1. I think we both are very emotional beings. I agree that both parties have things to work on. Our expression & understanding of these emotions is where alot of our problems arise. Women should learn that men think and emote differently than what they think is proper.

    Do you think that men experience emotions and often do not express them?
    Of course. But alot of things we feel dont have to be expressed(or so we think). Now, there are plenty of emotions that haphazardly fall into the abyss of, or just get thrown into the bag of "I dont need to do all that".

    Heres a very confusing point for us. She knows i love her but she needs me to show it. EVERYDAY, ALL the time. Why? When? Why cant i just watch the game? Confusing

    Do you find yourself holding your tongue or not expressing your true emotions for fear of not being "manly"?
    No. But i did hold my tongue because i didnt know how to say what i felt. A good woman will see this and in a trusting comfortable environment help her dude to express himself.

    Do men really react strictly from logic as they say or are they just not experienced in exercising their emotions?


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